"This is not the time to be passive, even if your nature is to be. Treat this challenge with the same level of intensity, assertiveness, and vigor, as if it was that dream job you are striving for and this is the all important make it or break it interview."
You want a female centered or female led relationship with a beautiful, powerful, goddess of a woman right? Well let's say you find one who is incredible and you want to date her. Now what do you need to do to make it happen? Here's some advice about what you can do to really stand out from the rest and make a great impression from the start so pay attention, make notes, and then get to it!
1. Make an impression immediately
Give her compliments, tell her you're serious about your intentions, and ask her what you can do in order to stand out from the rest of the guys pursuing her. Sweep her off her feet right from the first day.
2. Pay careful attention to her:
Listen carefully to what she says. Pick up on her likes, her dislikes, her preferences, favorite things, birthdays, etc. make getting to know everything about her your most important priority. Learn about what kinds of things or services she needs help with in her life right now.
3. Be bold:
This is not the time to be passive, even if your nature is to be. Treat this challenge with the same level of intensity, assertiveness, and vigor, as if it was that dream job you are striving for and this is the all important make it or break it interview. Dress your best, smell great, pull out all the shots and be on point all the time. Be creative and driven. This is your one chance so don't blow it.
4. Give her what she needs and wants:
This is great advice so listen up... Instead of asking her what you can do for her, learn about what she needs and give it to her. She will be filled with gratitude. Does she hate doing housework? Hire a cleaning company to do it for her once a week. Does she have a sore back from her stressful job? Provide for her financially so she doesn't have to work then send her to the spa regularly for massages. Is she overwhelmed with looking after the kids? Hire a nanny to help her out. Do not hesitate to do these things for her. Do it today.
5. Shower her with thoughtful gifts:
Every girl appreciates a surprise gift, goddesses even more so. Send her flowers, her favorite perfume, a gift card for new lingerie, whatever...just send her something you think she might like. If her birthday is coming up then for sure do not forget to send her a gift. Neglecting to do so on her birthday or other special occasion would be inexcusable.
6. Always follow through with what you say you will do:
Your word must be absolutely solid. If you say you will call her or text her every night before bed then make sure you do it. Every night. Before bed. Every time. Don't say you will do something and then fail to do it, for whatever reason. If you feel like you might not be able to keep your promise, then tell her before you fuck up.
7. Make her a priority:
Yes your work is likely stressful and work days are probably long more often than not, but it only takes 10 seconds to send her a text to say something short and sweet. Don't let long periods go by without reminding her how much she means to you. If you're thinking about her, tell her. A goddess deserves attention all the time. She wants it. Give it to her.
8. Adore everything about her:
Love her fiercely, admire her unique qualities, respect her power and authority, and desire her every minute of every day. She is the centre of your universe.
9. Be dedicated to her happiness:
When she is happy, you are happy therefore you do whatever it takes to ensure that her wants and needs are met. This starts from the moment you meet her and continues, without wavering, throughout. She will forever love you for it.
10. Be of service to her:
Practice chivalry, hold open the door for her, carry her bags, anticipate when she will need your help with something. Don't wait for her to ask you for help with something. Pamper her and tend to her needs. Run her errands for her, pour her bath for her, and be useful around the house.
Venus xo