By Cuckboy Chas
Once my wife and I decided upon and agreed, what her and I being Black owned actually meant to us personally, we then were able to seriously offer ourselves to her selected Black Bull candidate of choice. Her selection, and I willingly concurred, of course, was a Black Bull we had been serving and being with for quite some time, and he was also someone we had casually discussed the, being our live in Black Bull and owning the wife and I, subject with frequently.
Fate had given us an opportunity to actually go forward with this arrangement and concept, because our Bull's lease was up where he was living, making now, the perfect time to execute such a move choice, and transition for him, and us together. My wife and I were in full agreement, along with our Bull, so basically all three of us were ready to make moving, what would be... creating a live in three way Black Bull ownership dynamic, into our home and begin the new and advanced next level step, in our interracial sexual lifestyle experience.
Now, with all of that decided and agreed upon, which had actually been an ongoing discussion for a good deal of time... that was simply the beginning. To cohabitate together in a sexual three tier dynamic would require some serious discussions and agreements about rules, boundaries, and limits. This is where the intense essence of the heart of everything would begin. This is where you have to lay bare everything. Nothing can be hidden. This is where, for many men, deep and meaningful conversations around very intimate things, is just so terrifying to think about. This is quite understandable, mind you, but... it's also, super liberating! Let me say... that all three people involved, must respect one another to the degree that there are no omissions, no hidden things, everything must be fully and honestly disclosed between each other. Your fears, desires, wants, wishes, basically everything must be opened and placed upon the table. Leaving anything hidden will only insure failure, and is an indication, you're not willingly serious enough to be involved in a three way relationship of this nature. Yes it seems scary, but that's because it's natural that people fear they are being or will be judged and they don't wish to hear what someone else thinks and feels about them. However, this is the exact opposite of what's required for you to develop the rules, boundaries and limits you'll have to live and function by in this three way relationship you're trying to build and establish! It's a good and positive thing to come clean and admit how you feel and think on every subject under the sun. After all, that's what you're doing to have the sexual lifestyle life you want!
Where to begin is a matter of how the three of you wish to approach the issues before you. Let us just begin with rules. You'll need to of course, establish some rules in the beginning. Rules can always be expanded and altered as necessary as situations may arise later on that were not evident in the very beginning. Just know, you can sit down, say once a month, or once a quarter, and have a review of your current rules, how they are working, and if you need to add any new rules, or modify any existing ones. Remember many rules are predicated upon each individuals preferences and desires. This includes sexual, and simple personal things such as grooming, shared domestic activities, private time and even service oriented items, sexually related or, otherwise.
Boundaries would be the next area for discussion and agreement. Again, your boundaries will be unique to your three-some's situation. Boundaries can be set for any situation, activity, or event. Don't worry about trying to think of everything in the beginning... you're not going to be able to do so, so don't even try. Boundaries will pop up as they come along and make themselves known. That's when you can deal with them outside of the ones you establish in the very beginning.
Limits are again the same... you'll establish them accordingly to the mutual agreements you develop among the three of you and those will be unique to you and your consensual, three tiered lifestyle dynamic. Let's not forget, much of these things are center focused upon the female and her desires and consent. She's the Cuckoldress, Slutwife/Hotwife, Queen of Spades. The Black Bull is the engine that moves the vehicle and the cuckboy is very much the fuel to facilitate powering everything to insure harmony, and happiness for all three.
I'm here to tell the cuck males, don't be scared and don't be shy. Open up completely and bare your entire everything. Opening up only gives you confidence in the long run. Being vulnerable is showing your true strength. It's completely positive and transformative. If you cringe and you're afraid of what might be thought of you, then you're only defeating yourself before you ever begin. Complete open sincere honesty, in all things, is what's required. Only strong men need apply. You have to be very strong to let go completely. You have to be very strong to be a real cuck for your wife and your bull as well. Your role as a cuck, and remember your cuck role is established and laid out through the discussions and negotiations the three of you have had... and it will be unique to you and you only, and supported by your other two partners... makes you one third of the positive contributor to the three tiered lifestyle life you're establishing. You're a positive player in a fantastic awesome dynamic. You're important! None of it can happen without you. Be thankful and supportive.
I'll give a few examples from our sexual dynamic so you have some reference to go by and understand a little better. For example, a few rules we have are... I cannot have sexual access to my wife without permission first from the Bull or another Bull if he's been so empowered. I cannot have penetrative sex with my wife unless she's had sex with a Black Bull first, and she's been given a nice creampie. I'm also limited to the amount of time I can have sex with my wife. In my case it's no longer than ten minutes and I must be supervised and watched the entire time by a Black bull or several Black bulls.
Another aspect we have is our Bull contributes financially monthly and his contribution goes toward running the household in various ways, including things like utilities, food, maintenance, upkeep... things of that nature.
There are also limits on how one talks about our lifestyle and with whom. How we deal with individual family members and situations concerning a wide variety of things.
So, overall of these discussions and establishing your rules, boundaries and limits, it will take a great deal of effort and serious time. You cannot do this in a few hours. It's an ongoing process. It can take months and even a few years... but everything is always there to be reviewed and modified if needed, as you move forward one day at a time. The key is, don't rush, just take your time. Don't leave anything out, but make sure you establish your rules, boundaries and limits based upon your own personal and consensual three way agreements. Don't leave anything out or hidden, expose absolutely everything! Once you get your individual blue-print drawn up, you'll have a system you've built yourselves. That will help guide you, every single day, toward having a positive, rewarding, lifestyle experience!